I hear ya'. This stuff can be aggrivating.

But, if you switch to a N/A and 'glide combo, do you KNOW that there won't be some glitch somewhere that will cheese you off?

In my experience, every non-standard piece that gets bolted onto a car has about a 50/50 shot of not requiring extra work. Unless it's headers... those almost never work OOTB.

I'd think carefully before selling. Will you make a profit on the parts you unload? Break even? How much money are you willing to throw away?

Just to spend $$$ on another combo that has a uncertain chance of having one or more things take work.

Your money, your choice.


Seduce the attractive, and charm the rest. ****** 489 C.I.D., roller cam, aftermarket heads, tunnel ram, stock '54 Dodge rear axle assembly: which of these doesn't belong?