Well yes I have an implant in my right eye, but not by choice. I was smacked in the eye with a tire iron. My lens was knocked loose and they put an artificial lense back in. Honestly my eye is as good as it can be, which is not very good....but better than a black hole.
(Which is what it was right after I got hit and for about 2 weeks after) The surgery itself wasnt that bad. My eye hurt like a muther when I first woke up, but the pain was gone in a couple of days. This was back in 95, so Im sure the procedure is even better now.

72 RR, Pump gas 440, 452s, 3800 lbs, Corked, ET Radials,. 11.33@117.72. Same car, bone stock 346s, 9.5 comp, baby solid. 12.24@110.