

I watched it and there is nothing really that funny to see except for a 580+" Hemi car run a 10.04 if that is was what you were reffering to??

That makes a lot of sense. Why take the chance of breaking out when you have the guy covered by 1000ft. If SSR broke out staying in it all the way, and the right lane could have restarted his vehicle and cruised to a 30 second time slip for the win on a breakout, that would also be a pretty funny scenario. Use your noodle.

From what can be seen on the video posted it looks like the Chevy started way to early therefore giving the win to SSR from the start. Then it would not make a difference what time he ran (unless you are on Pinks )

Edit: Ohh yeah! Where are the pics

Last edited by Wild Ride 69; 05/05/10 10:22 PM.