Well...we went and picked up the car.....BOY did I get a STEAL !!!!....It's a 2002 MT TF car... It was originally bought by Tim Wallace from Idaho. Mr. Wallace is a pro mod racer that owns several body shops in the Boise area. West Side Auto Body. This car is polished to the MAX...and if it didn't polish...he chromed it !!!...even the stuff you can't see. The pedals are even chromed/polished...and the rails they mount to. And instead of a Digitron or Micron it has a Race Pak Hot Tach Pro on it(even included the download software and cables...just like the big cars)...that alone is a 650.00 item...not to mention 3 big boxes of parts. Including 3 complete Polar drivers and 2 drivens...there are 9 brand new helixs of different ramps in there too. It even came with an Altronics weather station and wind meter and full size national event practice tree with all the goodies for in car practice. I'll post some pics later on....right now were just
I almost hate to paint it....but Pink and Purple dont fit my boy.....and for those of you with MT catalogs...it's on page 14 !!!!