About a 904 not blowing up....The stock Eliminator 340 Duster that I owned had one blow up when the prior owner had the car. The floor board in that car was absolutely DESTROYED! It looked like it drove over a bomb in IRAQ. I asked if it was a 904 and not a 727 and the prior owner assured me it was a 904.
My brothers car is too nice to have that happen to the floor board. With my luck, the 904 that I would put in his car would be the 1 in a 1000 that would blow up. If it wasnt for me owning a car that had one tear up the floor, I too would say that I have never seen one or heard of one blow up.

Last edited by sloan; 04/22/10 05:24 PM.

10.53 @ 125mph. 1.37 60 foot. Caltracs and Monoleafs, AFCO shocks.

CP Pistons, PC Carbs.