Not yet!

MP didn't come up with the idea all on their own, it was actually Tom Hoover's idea from way back when, but the current MP regime decided it would be a good idea to run with. Development actually started in Hoover's group in the '60s, prints and so forth already existed.

Far as I know, the only ones made in the last couple years have been development prototypes made from plastic. They have been run, and MP was happy enough with the results to want to produce the part. Development is basically all done.

Getting the manifold manufactured is taking longer than expected, though. MP has been a little bit rough on their 6 pack manifold supplier lately, lumping great heaping globs of new product work on them and asking for all of it for now we're going to have to be patient and wait for the manufacturing end to catch up.

I've seen one of the plastic ones (painted to appear aluminum) on a show engine. It quite frankly looks cooler than (self censored)!!! As soon as they're in production I will make a post in the new product area. Until then, keep your fingers crossed.

Rich H.

Esse Quam Videri