Name is Christopher... live in eastern wa. I play around with old mopars....been reading for some time..well to the question..I have a A body exhaust manifold.casting #2863553. has a 21/2 in flange.. I want to use it on a 318.going in my 48 ply biz cp.because it curls around the steering nicely..It [I believe ] is off of a 340 being that it has a 2 1/2 in flange and much largers ports then the 318 heads. could this affect how the engine runs when the pass side exhaust is 1 3/4 flange.if I reduce [the driver side]to the same 1 3/4 I do have another manifold but it aims the outlet right at the original clutch linkage. that I hope to use for the 833od..were this one dumps down.any info app. thanks Chris