

It's best to have the reg at the end of your piping also.

Only if you're painting, otherwise you'd run everything else at max pressure. If you have 20 outlets would you want 20 regulators ... I think not!

The closer the reg is to the tool being used the better. Max pressure is only useful for tire work in my shop and paint.

If you have your reg set at say 90 psi and then send it through 25' of pipe and then say 25' of hose, do you think your gonna have 90 psi? And it's not good to try to set it at 100 and then hope you have 90 at the other end.

BTW it's the other way around when I paint, I want max prssure in my hose and use the reg on the paint gun to set my air at the gun.
Big mistake guys make is double regulating it painting and sometimes you lose volume needed to really atomize the paint.