
I bought that same book years ago and thought that it had lots of great information in it and it still does. But the more I learned and compared what I knew to be correct on my 68 Road Runner, I discovered that the book had several mistakes in it. I really don't want to knock the author too much because over the years more weird stuff has surfaced about our cars and the knowledge base for our hobby gets better and better all the time. I can't answer for all the B-body varieties in the book, only for my situation. Great thing about the internet is that there is a lot of information out there, and the bad thing about the internet is that there is a lot of information out there... Probably one of your best resources for restoring your car will be this site. I started by reading all the A-12 forums initially since they were "close" to what I had and a lot of details for those cars carries over to ours. I have owned my Road Runner for 18 years and I'm still learning new stuff about it all the time. I asked plenty of questions during my restoration and used the search function quite often. This site works two ways, and I tried to provide answers for questions or post pictures when I could to balance all the information I was taking away. Good luck with your project. There are plenty of 68 Road Runner fans on this website!

68 Hemi Road Runner

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