I paid international to strip and e coat a frame for me, the ecoat didnt stick, why ??? International doesnt do the ecoat there they haul it to indiana to have it coated, well they only take it down when they have a good load so my frame sat around in bare acid dipped metal and was allowed to flash rust then ecoated so 6 months after they "dipped it" During reassembly the frame started to peel. I called international and they basically said "not possible" I emailed pics and was told they would redo but I was out of luck on the 500.00 I paid for the powdercoat. They redid the frame and guess what it still has bare spots where the ecoat didnt cover and its rusty. Now lawyers are involved My 2cents stay away far far away from those hacks I can send pics if anybody wants to see them

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