
Thanks for VIN error RobX - I changed it. Yes, some one could have put a sticker on the door, I have no idea. But you have to ask, if they are /6 doors why would you lighten them - so you could go 45 vs 40 in the 1/4?. They came on 71 I bought and I since found a non-hacked set to use. Yes, they aren't worth much which is why I'd like to find the car they belong to so that guy can store them at his house instead of mine. I am sick of owning them as I must have moved these things 20 times over the 3 years and my back hurts.

When you say relieve... I get the sense that they are worth 10x their weight in gold because of the door sticker. Call me jaded, but, that's what I sense when stuff like this gets posted. Has a Hemi door sticker and it's worth far more than another door. If that's not the case, I apologize.

My point was it's worth what an E-body door is worth, just has a cool sticker on it. If someone wanted to give you a kings ransom for it... please abuse them for all you can get.