Hi All,
I posted last week about a No-start/No-spark problem I was having on my 1970 Challenger (w/ Mopar electronic ignition). With the fantastic help and lessons I got from the great people here I was able to determine that it was the ECU that went bad on me. THANK YOU very much for all the help on that one! I picked up a standard OEM (blue) ECU box at a local parts place (figuring I could use it as a spare after I order a new Orange one). I put it in and it fired right up and runs really strong.

Then, just when I thought I was done with the gremlins (this car has not had an electrical issue before in all the time I've had it), I noticed as I was warming it up that the Ammeter at idle was fine (a tad over the middle), but when I gave it some gas (to say 1500 rpms or higher), the needle pegged to the far right of the meter. Letting off the gas, it comes back to where it should be. This never acted this way prior to last week and the ECU failure/replacement. I had charged the battery up fully after all the testing for the ECU stuff, so it couldn't have needed the charging it was getting..

So, I'm wondering now ..
(1) Does it sound like the Voltage Regulator also took the opportunity to give out on me?
(2) If so, is this common for both components to go bad in unison?
(3) Is the fact I'm running the blue (oem) ecu unit rather than an Orange, a possible cause (since it's a Mopar performance distributor)?

Any insight or ideas would be greatly apprecated!!

Thanks again!