i agree with Myron...
leaving the front end travel will keep the car more consistant..(as long as the wheel stand isnt un manageable)

There are 3 issues..you can try to change..

first is where you put your car in relation to the beams,"THE STAGE"
any fixed part of the car that trips the stage and pre-stage beams..and how far you can roll out before activation of the timer..
shortening up this distance can inprove/reduce the time to trigger the clock.ie; front tire diameter,front spoiler height-lenght..ect..
or deep stage for instance..

2nd is your reference point ...
the trigger ...point at which your brain reacts. if you can pick a different point..it will change things.
most would leave off of the last yellow..or a slow car or long rollout you might try leaving earlier..

next is the mechanical Lash...or the time all the internal or moving parts take to load the driveline,the rear tire,load the rear suspension,unload the front suspension and move forward far enough to uncover the lights and activate the clock.
this last part seems to be where your question is pertaining to..
you may try more launch rpm, or changes in both front and rear shock settings...
a trans brake will quicken things up here..a bunch.although it may not fit class rules..

now one train of thought is to make all of these 3 issues as short as possible...
HOWEVER ...you might try elongating the #1 stage point/rollout...add a beam blocker under the chassis..to either infront of the front tire or behind the front tire..
then moving your trigger point sooner..
fwiw..multiple ways/ combinations to make/efrect a change.

fwiw. ive been entrigued by adding more rollout...ie a beam blocker behind the front tire
you could leave sooner..move first..and still not go red...
in theory youd have a head start..fwiw...or it could be looked at as a shorter distance to the stripe..
this may be off you point...but its a thought process to factor ...


365" Iron J heads,,3480lbs best 1.39 60ft on SS springs.10.54,124 mph ...6.67 1/8th et.average 60fts 1.46 w/ small cam &.063 no2 pill tagged & insured