
Domingo are you making the grips or acting as a distributor for the maker ? If you are making them it does make it easier for us to communicate our needs etc without any confusion. I like dealing with the folks making parts much better. I would have a problem paying with a credit card
for goods in South America ,so will this be pay pal or money order upon recent of the product ?
Would you do a 10 % off for 2 sets, if so I'll take 2 sets of OAK SATIN. Those grips are nice.

logan426 Martin

My buddy who is a custom guitar luthier makes em.

Payment would be via pay pal.

Sorry it'd be a fixed price...this is a small run I dont stock any all would be custom ordered. One time deal only....I really dont make em any more because they are really not worth it (business wise) but I am willing to make em for those who missed the boat and would like a set.

They are NICE and I can tell you no other wooden grips sold out there even start to compare with these. These are on a league of theur own. My buddy is a gifted individual when it comes to woodworking and finishes.