
whats the plan for when or if you break it?

The plan at that point, money always being an issue, will be to either upgrade another stock type transmission or run the tranzilla setup, which is complete overkill, but also on the north end of what my money tree produces.

Hopefully I can just upgrade this one with all the goodies as I'm planning more road course than drag so the shock shouldn't be nearly as much of an issue. I expect the synchros will take a beating as that seems to be a weak spot on these transmissions when power levels are increased. Guess I'll find out. From the information I've read, you can increase the power capacity of these just by shimming the countershaft properly. Most of them have too much endplay and that allows things to bang around a bit. Haven't taken this one apart yet, but the price was right ($300) so I couldn't pass it up. Shafts turn smooth in every gear. It was a mock up piece for Mr. Gasket here in Carson. Or rather their Hurst shifter division. Can't remember who owns who.