I've seen Iversons work as well as the other highly reccomended vendors here, any one of them is capable of fantastic work, however I've also seen examples of parts done by all of them that I wouldn't use simply because the parts in question fell below what I'd consider acceptable for an OE level car.

No matter who you use or what you pay, the results are likely to vary even from the same vendor as no two used parts are the same. Sometimes the parts condition simply leaves too little to work with in getting exacting results when compared to mint NOS. It's not always the vendors fault, some of the final expected results are simply beyond any vendors capability in trying to perfect a repair due to the parts intricate shape or extremely poor condition.

Pot Metal restoration is expensive because it's very tedious, and usually very time consuming work. It demands a HUGE attention to detail because even the smallest flaws or differences can easily show.

At any rate, plan on spending some big dollars, don't plan on perfection because you'll likey get let down at least a little, and if it were me, I'd get the best quality used examples to start with and I'd entrust my parts with Iverson.