


What heads are on the car Chris.. -1 ?
congrats,,,nice improvement,,,

dumb question....what do the epoxy inserts do ?

They are supposed to make the intake more like a tunnel ram in a way. It is Supposed to help with puddling of fuel inside the intake. We did back to back tests with them at Norwalk and our gains were different, but maybe it varies with each car.


Results might have slight variations

.... ok.... not sure what your getting at.

Congrats on the 9 second pass if thats what your looking for.

Im just not too convinced that the inserts caused it to speed up. nice fall air. different shifting. converter. Im just not buyin the inserts had that much affect, but I could be wrong. I no what our gains were and I know that the inserts won't be in there next year

But good job chris, glad you finally went a 9 in that car
