More Buddy Baker quotes.....

Jeff Gordon's handling down the straightaways.

Ernie Irvan could go bear hunting with a switch. He ain't never afraid

With ten to go, I didn't have a code of ethics

Wally Dallenbach's like a kite without a tail out there

You can tell that you're in trouble when you feel the air on the back of your neck instead of in your face

I got hit in the head pretty hard. My clock ran backward's for two years

On a newly re-paved Darlington - "The new asphalt is like putting a tuxedo on a rattlesnake"

With reference to a driver in the Pro Truck race - "He ran out of talent about halfway through the corner"

Buddy was interviewed after a superspeedway race in which he drove through a smoke screen full of wrecked cars. The comentator praised his skillful driving...Buddy's
response "it's amazing what you can do with your eyes closed"

On Rick Hendrick and Felix Sabates - "Well I don't know which one has more money but I'll tell you what. Either one could burn a wet mule with hundred dollar bills"