
I am wondering if it is better to do with the frame bolted to the car to help align the skin and frame to the car or just to do it on the door off the car.

fastest way to remove the skin is to grind the edge till it separates,then peel the left over strip in the jamb ,pull off the outer skin,do this with the door off the car, you can try to get the shell back on and see how the new skin fits and if you need to shift it around for better fit,just remember which way you shifted for best fit, then remove the shell off,position the skin to the desired fit and fold the flanges down,

I've tried all kinds of air and ratchet type door skinning tools and still go back to simple block of wood taped to heavy piece of flat metal(about 5-7lbs) to keep the wood block from bouncing while gradually bending down the flanges,seems like with this method I end up with smooth skin without any need for bodywork.
Also don't forget to prep the door shell edges ,treat them with etching primer or epoxy and run a bead of good seam sealer and if there was a crash bar ,get some sealer on it to stiffen up the outer skin to keep it from rattling