

And it was my own truck, and every nut,bolt, screw and bracket was put back where it's supposed to be in case anyone thinks it was a hackjob.

Good on ya mate! I hate fixing hack jobs cause it's not that much harder/longer to do it right. Often difficult to find screws, bolts or brackets are missing.

this was my first one, but it took me 3-4 hours, one of the a/c lnes just would not come apart.. took me for-ever on the one line, then i also had to clean the old dash pad remove the broken parts and install a new one.. so i guess that took extra time.. plus i had to stop and read the manual..but all and all it was easy.. I would never pay someone 1000 to do it..no way..

I did how ever brake one lil plastic stud off the box that goes thru the firewall

oh well, now it works fine, better then it ever was..

oh dont forget to burb the system from air..