personally I hate OE as they sucked back then the paint was crappy and even had runs in it.I for one go Over retored every time when it comes to paint and who wants to do all those paint dabs all over the car. To me Mopar OE quality wasn't that great back in the day and I want a car that is built better then what they had to offer back then.I'm biased as I restore everything over-retored as trying to make the paintjob crappy and peely takes more effort then doing my showcar smooth as glass mirror finish.
It's your car and get it done the way tou want the best you can for the money you can afford.

my question is to all those who are refering the shops and pushing them,what's your kick back?,LOL
this thread has more resto shops begging to do your car. I never begged for work when I had my restoration shop I just did nice work and the word spread and I had too much work that I couldn't possibly do myself but had only helpers from time to time and never had qualified body and paint restoration help so it soon got over whelming and burned me out fast.

Complete restorations take time so make sure your choice of shop doesn't promise you the moon then don't deliver but give them adequate time to do the type of work you desire but make sure they keep on shcedule and keep you updated with progress photos if you choose a shop that isn't local.require that they include your VIN tag in the photos as not to send you photos of another car that looks like yours that is also getting restored and ahead of yours in progress.
personally I would stay clear of shops that are banging down your door to do this job as the quality shops that do great work let the work come to them as they don't need to solocite for work.
IMO, the ones who have no work and are begging for yours sends up signals, why don't they have other work if they are so good??

I would rather pay a little more for a reputable shop with references then then take it to the shop that is offering a discount or they will beat anyone elses price cause from when I had my shop the materials have increased big time and if they don't charge more they aren't using quality products and cheap paint and materials isn't what you want for quality work and have it last.
above all get everything in writing and all additional work must be authorized by you.
another tip is never pay too much in advance,pay for it in stages as they do the work and prove to you with photos that the work has been done then pay them the next installment this way it insures your car will get done in a timely manner and that you got what you already paid for or they don't get anymore money.

Good luck and choose wisely