Most of the above, plus:

Mouse killer everywhere. Mothballs just because it might help.

Put a trail of borax around the trailer. Insects won't cross it.

Sell your race tires and buy new ones when you are ready to race again.

Put the battery in something else and buy a new one when the time comes.

Take the headers off, Paint or coat if needed, fog the inside and tape all of the openings in the headers and heads. OR leave them on the engine and stuff the collectors with desicant bags(moisture absorbant) and tape off the ends.

Put the trailer up on stands or blocks and store the trailer tires inside the trailer. If 2 years turns into 10 years(it happens a lot) buy new trailer tires.

Don't seal up the trailer too tight. Don't want moisture build up.

Look into getting one of those plastic bubbles that they sell for storing antique cars.

Lastly, If the car meens a lot to you then do the above otherwise concider selling it and then buy something else when you are ready to start again.

Your doing the right thing. Enjoy the kids while you can. The time will come to race after they are gone.

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is.