Why cant we get a Thread that address Indy and their products on this site.. i have been a member for 7 years or so and all i can ever rememeber is indy always has a thread going on... I want to know since there are so many people having issues with Indy and some of their products (but mainly their customer service or lack of) why we cant get some of the Indy dealer on this site to help us address these issues with Indy directly ???? I love their heads and really like my block.. but why should i have to buy 11,000 worth of alum product only to install a Cheap, thin walled pushrod ??? any head that is capable of making 900Hp should come with a strong and duarable pushrod.. i should not have to continue to dig peices of the cups out of my engine...i know i dont stand alone when i say this has gone on long enough.. why wont some of you dealers and Moderators help us out with a thread strictly for and to Indy and have someone address these issues ???we need the dealers to speak up on our behalf and convey that they should try to correct some of the issue that are a constant..I bet the dealers of their products dont get the kind of treatment that us little guys get..other wise close your doors to any customers beside your dealers and we will elt you guys deal with those JERKS over at INDY !!!!! Come on guys.. who's seconds my suggestion ???

Last edited by BILLYJAY; 09/08/09 10:38 PM.