Hi Rick, will post pics as soon as I get the MESS cleaned up from the fire. Been working 3rd shift and moonlighting doing some remodeling on top of that. Money or time - I'm real lucky when I have either; never seem to have both together!

I guess I should have made this a TRIPLE good guy alert... it's been a couple weeks since I ordered my Firecores, so memory of that transaction kinda' fell through the cracks. Mind like a steel sieve...

I'm going to replace my NGK BPR series plugs w/ some BCPRs (same plug w/ 5/8" hex) for ease of wrench access when I put the wires on.

As far as HS rockers not lasting on the W-2... well, I guess there are some applications that are too severe for 'em. But I'm nowhere near the league where I need to call Jesel or T&D. I expect that the Harland Sharps are every bit as strong as my junk will require. And then some.

But the original point of the post was to point out how nice it is when you don't have to go through a dealer, because of the personalities of the manufacturers, don't have to be a 'big name' guy to get good service, or be placing a five-digit order! It's great to do business with guys who'll treat you right, not because of who you are, but because of who they are.


Seduce the attractive, and charm the rest. ****** 489 C.I.D., roller cam, aftermarket heads, tunnel ram, stock '54 Dodge rear axle assembly: which of these doesn't belong?