That brings up a question.

How about under balance? I have a light assembly that I run NA. Looking to change it a little when I freshen it up. Maybe a little stronger rod, currently running a GRP series 2000 with 3/8" rod bolts. Would possibly move up to a 7/16" for longevity with nitrous. The pistons will get some other changes like moving the rings down, and a small dish. Just depends on what Ron at Diamond suggest.

Of course if I can't find a reasonable 60mm cam core to make the nitrous lobes and seperation I want then there is no sense in doing any of this.

Really hate to screw with the engine at all as it would be an awesome peice for someone running NA in a single carb cast intake class. It will be next year at the earliest before I do anything. House and garage building comes first then play that's what the wife says.


Career best 8.02 @ 169 at 3050# and 10" tires small block power.