Thanks a lot Rick of this video and thanks to everyone here who told good and honest word about Wayne. It gave me lot of confidence.
Iam right now selling my `74 Charger and hope to find buyier soon. I cant promice anything yet BUT if my Charger is sold, Iam pretty sure we gonna have deal with Wayne. As I just bought R5/P7 motor from Rick what i hope to get end of this month as he promiced and some other parts ( tranny, converter etc.) then I just dont have such a "free money" for buying this roller right now...sad but I dont have good hand in lottery and I also Iam too chicken to rob the bank LOL
So step by step

Thanks again to everyone

Last edited by Georg; 08/15/09 02:32 AM.

Outlaw Plymouth Valiant R5/P7 Powered by Liuzzo Racing COMP Performance Group dealer in Baltic Premium Performance