

I made my own with some lighting gel that a friend got for me - the colour is dead-on. They were a little thinner than the originals but certainly thick enough.

An advantage of using lighting gel is that it is designed to work the quartz lights generating intense heat. Rosco gel is the most popular in America. It is very color stable and stands up to the heat without stretching, melting or fading. It is available in a lot of colors. Do you by chance have the color number of the gel he provided you?

Sorry Craig, no I don't have it - I think he had a couple of offcuts lying around and sent me a couple of colours - one was too blue, but the green-blue one was perfect.

Gel is available in different thicknesses I believe. It may be that the max thickness is still not the same as the original, but for mine is was close enough. The main characteristic required to do with the thickness is that it doesn't wrinkle and is self supporting to some extent - these were.