i drove my car 2 weeks ago. It started fine and i drove to a friends shop and parked it for an hour so so. time to go, i cranked it up and it started, ran real rough and died. crank crank crank crank. no start. foot to the floor crank crank c4rank BRUUUUMMMM!!! stumble stumble cleaning up running ok.

I go and open the hood cause i knew what happened- dont know WHY- but know what. Took off the air cleaner and sho nuff, gass on the top of the carb near the fuel bowl vent tube (the vertical vent tube on holleys). junk must have stuck in the needle and flooded it out, filled the bowl, dumped fuel on the top of the carb and air cleaner then fixed itself.

If that had happened just before I shut it off, and enough gas got on the manifold, the engine heat could have vaporized the gas making it more volatile and then WHOOF - fire.

I had that happen on my truck before. blew me away as i never though gas would catch fire JUST FROM a hot engine. but it did and fast.

thats why my center carb fuel bowl vent coming out the side of the carb (not the one sticking straight up near the air bleeds) is capped and not open like lots people run on six packs. I wont ever let fuel dump on a manifold again.

i am positive you had a fuel leak. like the other poster said, electrical melt downs are from excessive current- not voltage- and ignition systems cant do that kind of thing. if there was a short that drew that kind of current, you ignition feed wire would be TOAST all the way back to the ignition switch before a spark plug wire melted