So my friend calls me this morning from Carlisle. He is there with his twin sons (6 or 7 years i think)and they see the Garlits car with him there. Anyways, his one son has mild autism (which makes his mind work in ways no one can understand--quite brilliantly actually), and can be a riot sometimes by just being himself and not knowing it---this was one of those times....

My friends son Chris "hey, nice car"

Garlits "thank you"

Chris "smells to new---you drag race?"

Garlits "yes, i drag race"--now looking a bit bewildered

Chris --now looking at the car shaking his head back and forth , " well, it just looks to new " and walks off.

My friend had all he could do to burst out laughing. I know i did when he called and told me

Garlits Super stock Challenger $100k
Trip to carlisle $1k
Little kid poking fun at Garlits unknowingly--priceless

Outcast Dodge guy.