My 440 Source swinging oil pickup arrived a couple days ago.

Full of casting sand.

The portion that swings is sand-cast; it wasn't cleaned prior to assembly (assembling the pickup, that is - it never got anywhere NEAR my motor!!!).

Because there are a couple bends in this, I don't see how I can get a brush in EVERYWHERE through the middle of that part.

Any suggestions how I can get every-last-minute-freakin'-particle of crap out of that thing? 'Cause, if I don't KNOW it's clean, it ain't going on the engine. And, this is hanging the project up.



5324271-PickupSand01.jpg (84 downloads)

Seduce the attractive, and charm the rest. ****** 489 C.I.D., roller cam, aftermarket heads, tunnel ram, stock '54 Dodge rear axle assembly: which of these doesn't belong?