I talked to Herb Jr last week and to make a long story short the show is on hold while they work out some things with the new track owners. On another note I spoke with the folks @ Roxboro today about getting together and starting to plan the 2009 East Coast Drag Racing Hall of Fame Nostalgia drag race @ Roxboro Motorsports Park in October. We are aimming to try to move the race to Friday night to get somemore of the cars to the track that can't make it in early Thursday. The only problem is that's the same weekend as the Div 9 IHRA bracket finals @ Farmington so we mayh need to enlist some help to help out with track operations ( staging lanes ect). I think Fred and some of his boys are coming down, I understand the Ron Lyles car may be done by then maybe we can get enough of the Nostalgia Pro Stockers together with out a bunch of rules and let them lay down some passes.