

many years ago when i restored the rts rrunner i could not get an nos set to stick so i repopped 10 of ea side. i possibly gave a set to tony a long time ago.
thanks for the input. steve

And what happened to the other 9? Have always wanted to see a set close-up. I've also wanted a set of Car of the Year decals that went in the quarter windows as well, anyone repopping them? I had a customer tell me he still has a packet he got w/ his '69 383 Runner that had the quarter window COTY decals but he never installed them. Of course I asked if they could be bought, which was "no", but that he would keep me in mind.

hey NICK a big THANK YOU once again for bailing me out with your photos. i am not sure where the other 9 sets are. my guess is they still reside in ny and didnt make it out here to california. those car of the year stickers may have come in both black or white. when i get over to my building today i will check on that. if i had a 69 rrunner i would decorate it with these for sure....