Originally Posted by Moparite
Our roads could definitely use more work/maintenance, but the money will probably go somewhere else.

Like redoing what they just did! There are two roads near me that where repaved about a year ago. Well they cut sections of the surface to access something under it. Leaving the road surface with patches/bumps! So now it's not much better than the was it was before. Our brain dead politicians at their best! Maybe fix/access what's under the road first then repave it. realcrazy They had a sign saying your tax dollars at work, But they didn't say how much money they wasted doing the job twice! mad

LOL. Its the same everywhere. Here by me they repaved one of the main roads. The paving company must have had something wrong with their machine that created 'waves' in the pavement. Literally when you drive on it, it vibrates the whole car. Everyone complained to the road commission about how crappy of a job they had done. We got told that "it will smooth out over time"....LOL. Yea...No. Its been 2+ years and it will still vibrate your teeth. I'm sure someone got a kickback for the terrible job done.

Never, ever argue with an IDIOT. They will drag you to their level and then beat you with their years of experience