Some dictionary references;

A cornet is similar to a trumpet only with an extra coil of tubing.
A coronet is a crown that is less embellished and typically worn by lower level nobility.
A coronet band is a very tough vascular structure that sits at the top of the hoof in a horse just under the hard ceratine cover.


"Blown Money" with a horn beneath the lettering.

"Royal Pain" with a damaged crown graphic.

"Horse Power" with a horseshoe graphic.

"Fraternization" with the vintage Dodge Fratzog emblem.

"Delta Force" with the vintage Dodge Fratzog emblem.

"Maximum Effort" since you are running a wedge.

" the Big Cheese" with a cheese wedge with injectors and zoomies.

"Rail Splitter "with a steel wedge breaking into the letters.

"Bad Influence"


"Tinnitus Cure"

"What the ...."

That should be enough spark to get some other suggestions rolling in.