If you are a machinist or an engine builder, you are who I am looking for professional advice from. I will welcome any opinions, as well.

Please check out the pics. The pic is looking up through the #4 main journal oil passage to the cam bearing. The bearing appears to be turned just a bit...Looking at all of the other bearings, the oil holes in the cam bearing themselves are a little smaller than the main bearing oil holes.
I need to know if what I'm seeing in the pic warrants any action at all, or is it ok as is?
If it is not kosher, then can the cam bearing hole be enlarged with a round machinist file? Or will that ruin the bearing (Assuming that it is being enlarged from the bottom through the main bearing oil passage)
Or, should the bearing be replaced?

Last edited by 19_Dart_68; 02/05/24 11:28 AM.