Originally Posted by 360view
In your first post you mentioned noise and vibration, plus pushing down on a corner changing them.

That vibration should be a suspect in the root cause of the muffler crack.

Agreed, it may have been an indicator of things to come shruggy We only lifted very lightly on the one corner and the noise stopped. It came back about 2 hours later. Again a light "bumping" of the same corner stopped it altogether. The unit ran for at least 7-10 days before throwing the first code. But is was -25 when it did so which I'm told is not unusual. once things warmed up to -10 or so, I reset the unit it rans for about two hours and started wigging out.
The latest is the part is on order from carrier and hoped to be installed later this week or early next.
meanwhile our temps are in the 40's & 50's smile