Hi Everybody,

My mother just got a practically brand new red 2006 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited with only 54,000 miles a month ago. And yes you read it right… 54,000, bought new from Begnal in New York. It’s loaded with the 4.7 liter engine, sunroof, navigation radio, trailer hitch… all the goodies. My stepdad did the oil change yesterday and she wants to know from all you folks if she should put a plastic skid plate on underneath or a steel one. The truck right now has a plastic one, its filthy but otherwise I think it’s fine and not cracked or anything. I believe she has a steel plate as well somewhere in the garage she was thinking of putting on. She’s thinking of putting the steel one on because it’ll last longer because its not plastic like the one on it now, but then she’s thinking of just leaving it alone with the plastic one. She’s NOT gonna go 4 wheelin or anything with the truck, she’s just gonna use it as a daily driver. I personally don’t really think it matters, just leave it as is… but its her truck, so I figured I would see what everyone else thought. Thanks in advance everyone. Here is a picture of the truck when she first got it…….


If You Ask Me This Whole World Has Gone To Hell- Creed Fisher
Proud Supporter Of LGBT (Liberty Guns Beer & Trump)