The furnace in the garage set at 58 degrees pretty much solved that problem, up until the floor drain got plugged up. These days I broom out the water from the snow melt, and within an hour or two, everything is dry. About every 3-4 years that drain gets plugged and I have to rat it out. Its about that time again.

I have a 2 story garage. From the front garage door to the back wall, the ground level drops 8', and on the lower level there is a garage door that opens from the rear of the upper garage. That lower garage that is mostly under ground is nearly always wet. The floor drain for the upper garage floor dumps on the west side of the cement wall for the lower garage.

Pic 1) View of my garage from the west side. The dark stain is where the floor drain for the top garage floor exits the building.
Pic 2) A perspective from the front looking towards the north west.
