Originally Posted by J_BODY
Any probs with people filling their carts and simply walking out like out on the west coast? Always wonder when I see “new” tools on marketplace etc….

I was in Alanta? 15? years back and was at a Home Depot, and saw that happen Dewalt battery tools, all the alarms went off, guy never looked back, threw the stuff in a van and sped off.

Not one employee looked up or took a single step in his direction, I was at the door saw the whole escapade.
In fairness, the employees are not allowed to respond.
My son was a manager at a big box sporting goods store a decade ago, he saw a serial well known (arrested 26? times) elderly shop lifter steal a $400 driver and walk right out the front door, my son walked out to take a picture of him and his car, and nearly got fired over walking out the door.
It was one of the reasons he left the retail industry and has never regretted it,

Reality check, that half the population is smarter then 50% of the people and it's a constantly contested fact.