Originally Posted by Dcuda69

Great for short quick trips....not so great for long fast trips. Charge them to fast or for to long...not good. Run the batt to low for to long...not good. To hot or to cold...not good.

The tech is close but not quite there...

The tech for the most part, is there. It's just not being implemented.

Battery management schemes are well developed in the UPS industry. What's really hindering the EV market is the environmental conditions. Batteries don't like to be too cold or too warm when in use or being charged. Batteries can be safely fast charged, however the rate for fast charge is not going to be "fast" in layman terms. It'll be "fast" in relation to a slow charge but no where near as fast as pumping 25 gallons of gas into your tank. So they try to crutch it with a fast partial charge and that's where the issue lies. As you approach full charge you have to slow the rate of charging. That last 20% or so takes a while to get.

New battery chemistry is constantly being developed, maybe one day they'll find it but Li-ion isn't it. Better than NiCads though, lol.