Originally Posted by TWS
Good luck with the battery. My experience was very poor. Takes your full payment up front (on January 28). Estimated ship month May or June. June comes and goes, no correspondence...late July early August new promise date. Early August comes and goes, no word. So I email on August 7....no response. Receive an automated ship notice on August 16. Now the fun part...cold cranking amps on this thing must be on the order of 200 CCA. Would barely crank the motor. I figured it was a new tight / rebuilt motor. Charged it fully, same thing. Got to MCACN and the car would not start to get off the trailer...had to push the car into place at the show. Went out and bought a regular battery at O'Reilly's the second day at MCACN and the car fired up instantly and STRONG. Sent an email to Wayne at Battery Central expressing my displeasure, and never heard back. Battery was tossed in the garbage. I spoke with four other people at MCACN with the same experience of a lousy battery that would barely crank the car. People talk of having to baby the batteries by trickle charging them constantly. This thing would not crank the engine with a full fresh charge. We also believe it was the cause of some relays not working properly on the car during troubleshooting. So, again, good luck.

Well that stinks.

Any other sources for these batteries?

At this point just sell them without the lead guts and opened up underneath. Cheaper to ship too.

Last edited by autoxcuda; 12/22/23 11:24 PM.