
In different circles, some families have been known to replace the stereotypical Predator tree-topper with something like a star or an angel.

There is actually a little-known story about exactly how it came to be that the latter can be seen sitting atop a family's Christmas tree.

The tale goes something like this:

One particular winter, things were not going well for Santa.
With Missus Claus going through "the change", not only was Santa not getting as much, she was also constantly flapping her moo-moo around, complaining of hot flashes.
By itself, this would not have been intolerable, but then that day's mail brought both the property tax bill [up by 20% compared to last year], and the DMV renewal for the sleigh [smog cert required, and up $80 from the last one].
Soon after, a call from the vet revealed that Comet and Dasher were both lame, for no immediately apparent reason.
Of course the furnace was on the fritz again, and then the union steward came in the back door to say that The Elves were indeed serious about their threat to go on strike.
Just then, the front doorbell rang, and Santa stubs his toe on the end table as he goes to see who the he!! is there.

(It should be noted at this point in the story that it was tradition that the angels always brought Santa his Christmas tree each year, as he was far too busy doing other things to get down to Home Depot to pick one up himself.)

When Santa opens the front door, there was the sweetest little angel you ever saw, holding up his tree...
... and says in the sweetest little angelic voice:

"Good afternoon, Santa. Here is this year's tree. Where should I put it?"

And that, my friends, is how that particular tradition was born. XmasPengs

Down to just a blue car now.