Earlier this summer my son's mother in law was babysitting at their house while they were out shopping. Her car was parked in the driveway in front of the house in a decent neighborhood. 2 guys with ski masks were seen walking down the block checking every car door to see if anything was unlocked. Hers was unlocked and they rifled through the glove box and tossed some stuff on the back seat around. Then headed across the street into a garage with an open roll up door. That owner confronted them and they took off. The police were called. They did send a squad car and did acknowledge they knew of a 'ring' of people combing the neighborhoods looking for easy stuff to steal. Nothing came of any of it.

I live out in the country. Somewhere about the same time I had my 2013 RAM parked out behind the barn to get it out of the way. Walked out to it a couple days later and found the driver's door open, console lid up and someone had apparently gone through the cab. I was a bit upset. Called the sheriff. It turned out they'd been looking for someone who'd been found burglarizing an area home and had taken off on foot through the woods to get away. There were sheriff's all over the place looking for the guy. A sheriff had actually gone through my truck thinking the crook may have parked it there to conceal it. Once they found the registration in the cab and realized it belonged there they left it. This had all happened while we were not at home. Didn't get a good answer on why they'd left the door open..

Such experiences do give one pause. I sure am more careful about locking things up now. I also rearranged some things to make sure I have easier access to a 12 GA, while keeping it concealed and locked up.

Lead, follow or get the hell out of the way