After fighting with transfer slot positions and lengths (especially on older dominators) and based on a couple of recommendations from some carb builders, I am using the BLP dual pattern plate. If you are comparing it to other plates pay extra attention to the transfer slot (width, length and position) in relation to the throttle blades-BLP seems to get this right and it will pay some dividends setting up the carb. It is a nice piece, I use it on my Quick Fuel 950 annular main body. I will say that I have never bolted it to one of my 4500 intakes but I could as the carb is already out and I have a M1 4500 under the bench.

'75 Plymouth Duster
Phase I 451 906/590/2-660 10.75/126
Phase II 451 Stage VI/590/1050 9.82/135
Phase III 383 906/Victor-Pump gas 11.30/119

"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,"