I have to have a oversize coffee first thing in the morning.

I put 6 tablespoons of “light roast” coffee in a Mellita “pour over” single cup coffee maker and manually pour sixteen ounces of 190 degree water so that all the grounds get a get even wetting.

I add three teaspoons of maple syrup to this and begin sipping
while I immediately pour another 4 ounces of hot water on the already wet used coffee grounds to make a slightly more bitter small second cup.

I like coffee,
even though I did not start until age 38
but I also consider it a powerful mixture of drugs
because it contains:


(part of the dark color of coffee comes this chemical)


If someone gives you a hard time about drinking twice watered coffee you can answer:
“I paid good money for those fresh coffee grounds and I want to get most of the Phenyllindane out of it even if becomes bitter”

and it was recently discovered coffee contains


One of the oldest medicinal herbs,
first written about more than 3000 years ago,
is the seed of the legume plant “Fenugreek” ( literally “Greek Hay”)
which also contains trigonelline.

From 11 am to 1 pm I might have a one ounce shot glass of coffee if I begin to feel “blah” as the morning coffee wears off, but no coffee past 2 pm.