Well the NDRC Sydney Nationals are run and done . Weather was sketchy friday with a lot of rain and strong head wind . only had 1 qualifying pass . Saturday opened cloudy but dry . 1 more qualifyer @ 8.45 to end @ #4 of 23. Then 3 quick rounds before a 5 1/2 r wait around before final 2 rnds in a half hour .
Plymouth was running on song, track and air were great . Shift light gave up before semi so that was back to watching tacho . Unfortunately i fluffed the final , so silver not gold tree .
Note, here in Australia we run a .400 tree . The class I run is Super Street dyo no box 10.00-12.99 et on 1/4 . I run footbrake though you can use transbrake .
Hope some got to see some of the racing streaming on NDRC fb page .
Not bad running for a regular street car on pump 98 through mufflers .
#ndrc #aeroflowperformance #texsautomotive


New best ET 10.259@129.65 .
New best MPH 130.32
Finally fitted a solid cam,
stepped it up a bit more
3690lbs through the mufflers
New World block 3780lbs 10.278@130.80 . Wowser 10.253@130.24 footbraking from 1500rpm
Power by Tex's Automotive