Originally Posted by jcc
No I have not seen the video, and now I read Tony was not the owner that made the decision to have the cars left in harm's way on the shoreline at ground level.
Regarding on waiting till an evacuation order is given when one has valuables on the shoreline is idiotic and nearly unforgiveable by a person of means.
The fact the owner is reported to have chosen to ride out the storm onsite says it all.
Regarding hurricanes being predictable is very ignorant, and no two have ever been the same.
There was plenty of time to take preventative action.
Playing the odds resulted in the preventable damage.
iMO a unibody car many decades old that has been submerged in salt water for hours will never be fully restored unless at the least it's been fully flushed/tanked in water and then maybe e coated.

BTW I changed the OP title to not disparage Tony in any way.

Dang. I bet you need a parachute to come down off your high horse every once in a great while.

Your life is not my fault.
My life is none of your business.

Speech is free only if you agree with those in control.