Originally Posted by B3422W5
Anybody who has driven one of these..how much room is there behind the wheel for somebody tall with a gut?

My wife's uncle 450 pounds had one. He drive it but had ti put a small towel on the wheel.as ot rubbed.
His old square body Town Car had more room.
His brother (my father in.law) 180 pounds had one too. He fit fine. He bought one back.then since his brother had a new truck so he vould not be out done.
I was all.the rage when i bought my 1994 Ram 4x2 2500HD auto, a/c, cruise, 354 gears that got 28-29 hwy and gad tge newer look and better non truck ride, in a F8 green color, gray interior since we have hot weather here.
I had a slow 175HP think low to mid torque 420 ish?
His was slower and drove more truck like.
My wife drove that 1994 like it was a Honda compact car everywhere when i did not need it. She would get pallers of tile, mortor, stuff from suppliers while i was on job sites to help.out. it was get out her way or else when she was behind the wheel she like how it drove but hated her dad's.
It did not turn like mine and rode like riding a horse. Amd was not as comfy.

And loved driving it