Originally Posted by Andrewh
so the password thing is really pissing me off.
they keep changing the length and complexity like people hack passwords.

when in reality it is data breaches like you speak of that cause passwords to be compromised.
in order to minimize your password changes, the recommendation is to not reuse passwords on different sites.
in general I only care about stuff that might cost me money if someone got in.

moparts is a throw away password, that was probably compromised years ago. but worst case is they post some crap and put up stuff for sale in my name.

ebay is 2 factor authentication, as are paypal and my bank accounts. each with unique passwords.
having said that. I use pattern passwords, not actual words or anything.
you just pick a pattern on the keyboard, and use that for the password.
it becomes a little tricky when you do it on a cell phone or when you do it on a shifted keyboard, but otherwise it isn't a big deal.
makes it easier to remember random passwords because you just shift the pattern over one and it is a different password.

How does one remember the random pattern for different sites? And Yes the critical account like banks, Medical, SS, credit cards etc. are the ones to be concerned with up