It hasn't been in the car yet, but I fired up the 572 on 10w30 Rotella conventional.

On the high side it was fine, hitting the bypass 68-70psi like the other big blocks with M63HV pumps I have had.

On the low side near 1000 rpm when it warmed up it was safe pressure, somewhere in the 20s, which I'm sure is actually fine but it does not give me a warm fuzzy feeling like
a solid 40-something does on the low end.

I may or may not adjust it to a different grade when I start driving it, but at least know it's within safe reasonable limits now.
Rods and mains were all between .0032 and .0033.

And I should probably get over that warm fuzzy feeling thing.

This probably doesn't help answer the original question at all but just trying to participate somewhat!

Rich H.

Esse Quam Videri